On Sunday 9th January Arlans Siqueira hosted a huge seminar in honour of my coach Nicholas Brooks who passed away in December. The seminar included around 25 of the UK’s most respected and experienced BJJ black belts who each taught one technique.
The whole day was memorable for many reasons – mostly because of the genuine warmth and love in the room from all those who showed their support for Nick and his wife Shelley, who after a long day of training, was still able to give an emotional speech to close the session.
For me, it was not only a wonderful way to commemorate Nick’s legacy but a wonderful chance to catch up with so many of my BJJ friends and mentors who I’ve known over so many years. Shelley was also kind enough to present me with my second degree black belt certificate, which Nick had prepared in December for me.
Below are a few photos from the day. Thank you to everyone who took part. The fundraiser is still active and you can donate to Nick’s family here.